Shout-Out Deck

A Distributed Work Tool


Create a “Shout-Out Deck” for a fun, meaningful, and significant experience of acknowledgment.

For best results, use one of our templates and involve the whole team in collecting things like memes, symbols, and more.

Example and Possible Template

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Possible Template

Why This Works

In order to thrive, people need to have their accomplishments celebrated and their reality and struggles seen. Scientific research finds that acknowledgment is not just a fun bonus, it’s something necessary and fundamental for motivation. 

A “Shout-Out Deck” gives acknowledgment in a significant and joyful way.

Basic Version

The leader (or on small teams everyone) makes a “Shout-Out Deck” with a single slide for each team member. The leader (or everyone) then presents their “Shout-Out Deck” at a meeting. 

The point of a “Shout-Out Deck” is to have fun and make an experience out of giving compliments and acknowledgments.

Each slide should celebrate the individual’s accomplishments as well as see their efforts and possible needs. Slides can feature a lot or just a little text, images of something that represents the individual (like superheroes), made-up nicknames (like “Data King” or “The Professional”), and maybe even memes. 

When asking team members to do this exercise, providing a rough template can be useful.


Examples of Advanced and Collaborative Versions

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Advanced Variation

A Collaborative Deck

In advance of a meeting, the leader asks the team to contribute written acknowledgments, memes, or symbolic characters for every individual on the team.

This can easily be done by using an organized shared document with a section to submit for each person, via e-mail, or by putting a team member in charge of collecting all of the elements. 

The leader then presents the curated “Shout-Out Deck” at the meeting, inviting people to explain why they chose certain images, symbols, or phrases, for example, “Let’s hear from the person who wrote ‘Thanks for all the data wisdom’” or “Tell us why you picked this victory meme for Akosh.”

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The Compliment Game


True for You